Palladium Planisphere

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 4/18/23 1:15:01 AM
Search Category: Astrologian's Arms | Item Category: Astrologian's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 610
More Information

Gathering info:

4 3,271 3,271 2,000 2,000 2,000 1 4.00

Level 69 Goldsmith Recipe for Palladium Planisphere

Wind Crystal 5 67 335 3/12/25 5:12:20 PM
Enchanted Palladium Ink 1 1,715 1,715 6/4/23 7:46:49 PM
Durium Nugget 1 1,400 1,400 9/30/24 5:54:04 PM
Palladium Nugget 3 785 2,355 9/24/24 8:42:31 PM
Rhodonite 3 20,000 60,000 9/17/24 5:52:08 PM
Fire Crystal 5 69 345 3/12/25 5:11:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 66,150

Profit/Loss Normal = -61,150

Profit/Loss HQ = -64,150

Desynthesizes into:

Palladium Nugget
Wind Crystal
Fire Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Palladium Planisphere on Crystal

Balmung 4,000 12 4,000 0 2,850 -2,000 3,000 5,700 2 7/29/21 1:44:03 PM
Coeurl 671 17 671 0 2,483 1,329 2,499 7,449 3 10/28/21 3:47:57 AM
Goblin 6,710 4 6,710 0 6,500 -4,710 6,500 6,500 1 12/10/23 5:16:53 AM
Zalera 1,200 21 1,200 0 938 800 1,100 6,567 7 8/18/21 7:06:18 PM
Brynhildr 600 16 600 0 661 1,400 667 1,983 3 1/18/22 11:31:24 PM
Diabolos 3,150 10 3,150 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/4/21 7:59:59 PM
Malboro 3,271 4 3,271 0 2,000 -1,271 2,000 2,000 1 4/18/23 1:15:01 AM
Mateus 5,000 8 5,000 11,000 2,850 -3,000 5,000 11,400 4 4/11/22 1:26:44 AM