Hemiskin Leggings of Striking

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 4/17/23 4:05:36 PM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 295
More Information

Gathering info:

2 22,900 22,900 22,449 22,899 44,899 2 1.00

Level 60 Leatherworker Recipe for Hemiskin Leggings of Striking

Grade 3 Strength Dissolvent 2 1,994 3,988 1/1/24 8:10:34 PM
Wind Cluster 3 10 30 2/18/25 8:01:00 AM
Star Velvet 1 400 400 10/28/23 9:47:27 PM
Hemicyon Leather 2 147 294 4/17/23 4:03:40 PM
Earth Cluster 3 42 126 2/11/24 9:49:16 PM
Saurian Leather 1 599 599 4/18/23 3:26:29 AM
Wolfram Square 1 290 290 9/28/24 4:50:53 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,727

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,527

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,471

Desynthesizes into:

Hemicyon Leather
Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Hemiskin Leggings of Striking on Crystal

Balmung 5,999 13 5,999 16,000 5,219 16,450 6,995 52,195 10 2/15/22 5:26:37 PM
Coeurl 8,295 7 9,000 8,295 5,928 14,154 9,000 35,569 6 6/26/22 11:44:57 PM
Goblin 7,000 27 7,000 7,195 7,565 15,449 7,000 60,523 8 12/7/21 6:26:59 AM
Zalera 16,325 15 16,325 16,990 17,731 6,124 16,999 106,389 6 7/9/21 10:46:02 PM
Brynhildr 5,000 8 5,000 6,000 4,995 17,449 4,995 4,995 1 6/15/23 9:57:21 PM
Diabolos 10,000 12 10,000 12,295 11,507 12,449 10,899 92,059 8 5/27/21 4:30:24 PM
Malboro 22,900 2 22,900 0 22,449 -451 22,899 44,899 2 4/17/23 4:05:36 PM
Mateus 8,000 13 8,000 8,000 5,945 14,449 7,500 59,459 10 11/12/21 8:45:07 PM