Alpine Flooring

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 6/21/23 2:54:50 AM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Flooring | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

17 1,166 1,166 1,007 1,145 5,037 5 3.40

Level 56 Goldsmith Recipe for Alpine Flooring

Wind Crystal 5 66 330 2/11/25 11:51:24 PM
Black Limestone 3 1,155 3,465 6/19/23 7:26:33 PM
Cloud Mica Whetstone 5 944 4,720 9/12/23 4:04:04 PM
Marble 7 500 3,500 8/4/23 2:30:04 PM
Mortar 4 202 808 1/18/25 5:27:24 PM
Fire Crystal 4 72 288 2/21/25 7:25:22 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 13,111

Profit/Loss Normal = -12,562

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Cloud Mica Whetstone
Wind Crystal
Fire Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Alpine Flooring on Crystal

Balmung 2,435 15 0 2,435 2,008 -1,428 2,149 10,043 5 5/22/23 1:33:35 AM
Coeurl 1,260 19 0 1,260 995 -253 999 4,978 5 6/9/23 5:55:55 AM
Goblin 6,150 13 0 6,150 6,449 -5,143 6,100 19,348 3 9/12/23 3:37:20 AM
Zalera 2,467 21 0 2,467 2,050 -1,460 2,300 8,200 4 6/19/23 3:44:45 AM
Brynhildr 2,257 19 0 2,257 4,643 -1,250 4,000 18,575 4 6/20/23 9:52:41 PM
Diabolos 5,775 12 0 5,775 4,712 -4,768 3,750 18,850 4 6/22/23 8:21:15 PM
Malboro 1,166 17 0 1,166 1,007 -159 1,145 5,037 5 6/21/23 2:54:50 AM
Mateus 1,838 23 0 1,838 1,556 -831 1,749 7,783 5 6/11/23 10:46:25 PM