Titanium Battleaxe

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 4/18/23 12:08:58 PM
Search Category: Marauder's Arms | Item Category: Marauder's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 298
More Information

Gathering info:

4 42,000 42,000 49,999 49,999 49,999 1 4.00

Level 57 Blacksmith Recipe for Titanium Battleaxe

Earth Crystal 4 55 220 3/12/25 5:12:28 PM
Titanium Ingot 3 2,200 6,600 10/21/23 6:18:48 PM
Titanium Rivets 2 1,650 3,300 9/28/24 5:08:13 AM
Hallowed Chestnut Lumber 1 285 285 10/22/24 3:56:32 PM
Wing Glue 1 3,003 3,003 9/24/23 3:44:57 AM
Fire Crystal 5 69 345 3/12/25 5:11:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 13,753

Profit/Loss Normal = 26,247

Profit/Loss HQ = 36,246

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Titanium Battleaxe on Crystal

Balmung 49,000 8 49,000 0 49,999 999 49,999 49,999 1 1/19/22 3:39:35 PM
Coeurl 40,000 18 53,160 40,000 53,519 9,999 53,519 53,519 1 3/2/22 2:18:57 AM
Goblin 8,000 5 59,300 8,000 0 0 0 0 0 12/10/23 1:02:59 AM
Zalera 42,000 5 42,000 0 16,241 7,999 18,995 113,692 7 8/7/21 8:05:27 PM
Brynhildr 85,000 2 89,999 85,000 20,000 -35,001 20,000 20,000 1 7/29/23 7:45:51 PM
Diabolos 74,028 1 74,028 0 61,756 -24,029 74,027 247,027 4 10/12/22 7:42:26 PM
Malboro 42,000 4 42,000 0 49,999 7,999 49,999 49,999 1 4/18/23 12:08:58 PM
Mateus 65,000 9 65,000 0 64,995 -15,001 65,000 259,980 4 1/18/22 5:02:22 PM