Enchanted Platinum Ink

Server: Louisoix

Last Updated: 5/6/24 11:23:40 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

12 4,299 4,299 4,708 4,000 188,354 40 0.30

Level 50 Alchemist Recipe for Enchanted Platinum Ink

Lightning Cluster 2 65 130 1/24/24 9:47:16 AM
Water Cluster 3 14 42 10/18/24 5:45:47 AM
Platinum Ore 1 525 525 3/23/23 6:57:58 PM
Minium 1 312 312 6/3/23 1:58:36 AM
Voidsent Blood 1 53 53 5/26/23 2:50:38 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,062

Profit/Loss Normal = 2,938

Profit/Loss HQ = 3,228

Current Prices

Price History

Louisoix Cross Server Data for Enchanted Platinum Ink on Chaos

Cerberus 3,150 101 3,675 3,150 0 0 0 0 0 3/26/23 11:53:25 PM
Louisoix 4,299 12 4,299 0 4,708 409 4,000 188,354 40 5/6/24 11:23:40 PM
Moogle 8,195 63 8,195 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/22/23 10:51:08 PM
Omega 4,695 183 4,698 4,695 6,108 13 4,699 67,193 11 2/11/25 5:20:02 PM
Ragnarok 4,095 73 4,095 4,095 3,004 613 2,000 129,193 43 2/24/23 12:48:29 PM
Spriggan 4,667 142 4,667 8,398 5,842 41 4,400 257,071 44 2/27/23 6:34:57 AM
Phantom 4,200 13 4,725 4,200 0 0 0 0 0 3/21/23 11:56:28 PM