Cobalt Joint Plate

Server: Louisoix

Last Updated: 11/10/24 9:47:25 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

81 2,099 2,100 2,099 1,947 4,000 223,965 115 0.70

Level 44 Armorer Recipe for Cobalt Joint Plate

Ice Shard 5 58 290 5/29/24 3:36:41 PM
Cobalt Ingot 1 723 723 11/10/24 9:28:31 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,013

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,086

Profit/Loss HQ = 970

Current Prices

Price History

Louisoix Cross Server Data for Cobalt Joint Plate on Chaos

Cerberus 1,998 485 1,999 1,998 2,329 -51 1,400 193,367 83 6/23/22 3:09:19 AM
Louisoix 2,099 81 2,100 2,099 1,947 -152 4,000 223,965 115 11/10/24 9:47:25 AM
Moogle 2,980 1,723 2,988 2,980 3,098 -1,033 2,001 464,705 150 2/17/25 11:52:36 PM
Omega 1,994 265 2,099 1,994 3,604 -47 3,500 237,921 66 6/15/22 12:33:23 PM
Ragnarok 1,200 1,058 2,200 1,200 2,181 747 1,500 137,425 63 9/22/23 3:04:16 PM
Spriggan 1,300 8 1,300 0 1,276 647 1,200 57,421 45 6/23/22 5:48:50 PM
Sagittarius 1,700 1,219 1,700 1,998 2,033 247 2,100 1,157,095 569 6/23/24 10:28:48 AM
Phantom 1,155 1,231 1,364 1,155 1,445 792 1,200 451,000 312 9/13/23 10:56:38 AM