Hippogryph Leather

Server: Louisoix

Last Updated: 6/6/24 4:14:30 PM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

75 1,178 1,178 1,800 1,293 1,200 67,262 52 1.40

Level 50 Leatherworker Recipe for Hippogryph Leather

Earth Crystal 3 189 567 6/25/24 10:48:00 AM
Hippogryph Skin 1 17 17 10/7/24 1:48:18 AM
Black Alumen 1 180 180 1/20/24 10:41:10 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 764

Profit/Loss Normal = 436

Profit/Loss HQ = 415

50 Mailbreaker
50 Cantamina Thavnaria
50 Medica Thavnaria
50 Deus Ex Verbis
50 Deus Ex Gratia
50 Militia File
50 Blacksmith's Goggles
50 Armorer's Visor
50 Leatherworker's Hat
50 Hamlet Cutter's Hat
50 Hamlet Puller's Hat
50 Imperial Operative Tricorne
50 Blacksmith's Apron
50 Leatherworker's Shirt
50 Weaver's Swallowtail
50 Miner's Shirt
50 Botanist's Doublet
50 Fisher's Shirt
50 Militia Harness
50 Darksteel Haubergeon
50 Militia Subligar
50 Carpenter's Slops
50 Alchemist's Trousers
50 Miner's Slops
50 Fisher's Gaskins
50 Gryphonskin Kecks
50 Vanya Trousers
50 Vanya Breeches of Casting
50 Vanya Breeches of Healing
50 Militia Ringbands
50 Militia Gauntlets
50 Militia Mitt Gauntlets
50 Carpenter's Gloves
50 Blacksmith's Gloves
50 Armorer's Gloves
50 Goldsmith's Gloves
50 Leatherworker's Gloves
50 Weaver's Gloves
50 Miner's Gloves
50 Fisher's Gloves
50 Militia Duckbills
50 Militia Sabatons
50 Militia Caligae
50 Carpenter's Workboots
50 Blacksmith's Workboots
50 Armorer's Workboots
50 Goldsmith's Boots
50 Leatherworker's Workboots
50 Weaver's Thighboots
50 Alchemist's Thighboots
50 Culinarian's Gaiters
50 Miner's Workboots
50 Botanist's Workboots
50 Fisher's Wading Boots
50 Gryphonskin Moccasins
50 Militia Choker
50 Imperial Operative Choker
50 Gryphonskin Choker
50 Astral Choker
50 Rose Gold Gorget
50 Gryphonskin Ring
50 Hard Hippogryph Leather
50 Gryphonskin Shoulder Guards
50 Gryphonskin Shin Guards
50 Gryphonskin Elbow Pads
50 Gryphonskin Knee Pads
50 Morbol Chandelier
50 Morbol Chair
50 Morbol Bookshelf
50 Morbol Screen
50 Drinking Apkallu
50 Behemoth Wall Trophy
50 Morbol Rug
50 Tonberry Armchair
50 Tonberry Couch
50 Carbuncle Armchair
50 Carbuncle Rug
50 Carbuncle Lantern
50 Heavy Wolfram Cuirass
50 Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets
50 Heavy Wolfram Cuisses
50 Heavy Wolfram Sabatons
50 Wolfram Mask
50 Wolfram Cuirass
50 Wolfram Gauntlets
50 Saurian Trousers
50 Wolfram Sabatons
50 Saurian Shirt of Striking
50 Cashmere Skirt of Striking
50 Cashmere Hat of Aiming
50 Saurian Tabard of Aiming
50 Saurian Gloves of Aiming
50 Cashmere Skirt of Aiming
50 Saurian Boots of Aiming
50 Cashmere Robe of Healing
50 Cashmere Skirt of Healing
50 Saurian Boots of Healing
50 Cashmere Hat of Casting
50 Cashmere Robe of Casting
50 Saurian Gloves of Casting
50 Cashmere Breeches of Casting
50 Light Steel Galerus
50 Light Steel Subligar
50 Tidal Barding
50 Gryphonskin Strap
50 Wootz Cuirass
50 Wootz Mitten Gauntlets
50 Wootz Sabatons
50 Wootz Mail
50 Wootz Gauntlets
50 Wootz Sollerets
50 Arachne Shirt of Striking
50 Arachne Gaskins of Striking
50 Arachne Culottes of Healing
50 Arachne Culottes of Casting
50 Wootz Shield
50 Artisan's Culottes
50 Artisan's Sandals
50 Forager's Slops
50 Artisan's File
50 Arachne Shirt of Scouting
50 Arachne Gaskins of Scouting
51 Archaeoskin Grimoire
51 Archaeoskin Codex
50 Punching Gloves
50 Gryphonskin Breastguard
50 Gryphonskin Pantalettes
50 Moonfire Caligae
50 Moonfire Sandals
60 Cozy Leather Shoes
52 Rarefied Archaeoskin Codex

Current Prices

Price History

Louisoix Cross Server Data for Hippogryph Leather on Chaos

Cerberus 799 46 1,449 799 1,187 494 800 92,663 78 5/31/24 2:55:26 PM
Louisoix 1,178 75 1,178 1,800 1,293 115 1,200 67,262 52 6/6/24 4:14:30 PM
Moogle 230 182 992 230 888 1,063 268 44,403 50 2/19/25 12:32:11 PM
Omega 777 2 0 777 1,264 516 1,500 101,188 80 11/10/24 8:09:12 PM
Ragnarok 645 375 645 647 661 648 690 44,971 68 4/24/24 10:43:31 AM
Spriggan 196 323 486 196 1,072 1,097 180 47,190 44 6/24/24 5:15:01 PM
Sagittarius 400 2,435 400 420 605 893 419 24,226 40 11/10/24 8:10:45 PM
Phantom 290 267 290 300 515 1,003 300 14,438 28 5/4/24 9:54:49 AM