Shallows Cod

Server: Louisoix

Last Updated: 4/2/23 4:16:56 PM
Search Category: Seafood | Item Category: Seafood | Sell price to vendor: 8
More Information

Gathering info:

1466 185 185 0 0 0 0 100.00

Current Prices

185 24 4,440
189 99 18,711
200 71 14,200
219 6 1,314
260 99 25,740
260 99 25,740
260 39 10,140
268 9 2,412
486 32 15,552
545 6 3,270
Showing 1 to 10 of 58 entries

Price History

198 12 2,376 Cheto Shunshun 2022-07-26 03:23:06
200 5 1,000 Cheto Shunshun 2022-07-26 03:23:06
330 26 8,580 Devakinee Dwagon 2022-07-26 03:23:06
188 1 188 Cheto Shunshun 2022-07-26 03:23:06
190 10 1,900 Cheto Shunshun 2022-07-26 03:23:06
185 35 6,475 Swift Kusakari 2022-02-10 22:04:48
182 77 14,014 Swift Kusakari 2022-02-10 22:04:47
175 10 1,750 Hen Fleuret 2022-02-10 20:37:46
173 16 2,768 Hen Fleuret 2022-02-10 20:37:44
170 6 1,020 Hen Fleuret 2022-02-10 20:37:42
Showing 1 to 10 of 138 entries

Louisoix Cross Server Data for Shallows Cod on Chaos