Crystal Chandelier

Server: Louisoix

Last Updated: 6/3/23 8:57:47 AM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Ceiling Light | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

40 1,942 1,942 2,197 1,999 15,384 7 5.70

Level 60 Goldsmith Recipe for Crystal Chandelier

Crystal Glass 6 2,484 14,904 10/29/24 7:49:55 PM
Fire Cluster 2 194 388 6/6/24 4:12:35 PM
High Mythrite Ingot 2 3,999 7,998 1/29/23 3:16:12 PM
Eikon Iron Ingot 2 420 840 9/13/23 8:47:31 AM
Wind Cluster 3 157 471 6/6/24 4:12:10 PM
Sapphire 6 5 30 3/20/23 1:35:22 PM
Tallow Candle 4 519 2,076 6/13/23 1:50:29 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 26,707

Profit/Loss Normal = -24,507

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Wind Cluster
Fire Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Louisoix Cross Server Data for Crystal Chandelier on Chaos

Cerberus 608 54 0 608 1,079 1,589 885 5,395 5 6/8/23 11:25:12 AM
Louisoix 1,942 40 0 1,942 2,197 255 1,999 15,384 7 6/3/23 8:57:47 AM
Moogle 998 42 0 998 1,730 1,199 1,399 5,191 3 2/20/25 10:36:20 PM
Omega 2,500 12 0 2,500 1,358 -303 2,090 10,870 8 9/3/23 9:39:44 AM
Ragnarok 1,260 25 0 1,260 647 937 1,249 3,236 5 6/21/23 8:55:13 PM
Spriggan 1,574 27 0 1,574 1,115 623 1,399 5,579 5 6/13/23 11:49:50 AM
Sagittarius 3,999 26 0 3,999 847 -1,802 1,200 8,476 10 6/17/24 8:52:23 AM
Phantom 2,400 23 0 2,400 2,497 -203 2,496 4,994 2 10/10/23 3:00:13 PM