Hollandaise Sauce

Server: Louisoix

Last Updated: 9/28/23 9:40:15 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

20 1,900 2,800 1,900 4,394 2,800 232,887 53 0.40

Level 55 Culinarian Recipe for Hollandaise Sauce

Gastornis Egg 1 380 380 9/28/23 9:43:47 AM
Heavens Lemon 1 1,364 1,364 6/20/23 6:50:49 AM
Fermented Butter 1 600 600 1/19/24 8:28:27 AM
Fire Shard 7 67 469 6/26/24 5:54:43 AM
Black Pepper 1 210 210 6/22/23 7:40:07 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,023

Profit/Loss Normal = -8

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,792

57 Royal Eggs
60 Stuffed Chysahl
78 Berube Feed
78 Berube Feed
56 Rarefied Royal Eggs

Current Prices

Price History

Louisoix Cross Server Data for Hollandaise Sauce on Chaos

Cerberus 6,292 68 9,345 6,292 0 0 0 0 0 3/5/23 4:59:20 PM
Louisoix 1,900 20 2,800 1,900 4,394 2,494 2,800 232,887 53 9/28/23 9:40:15 AM
Moogle 3,153 102 7,350 3,153 1,654 1,241 1,397 165,488 100 2/23/23 7:26:07 PM
Omega 4,199 5 5,240 4,199 3,726 195 4,001 175,131 47 2/25/23 10:03:42 PM
Ragnarok 8,924 84 8,924 175,000,000 8,844 -4,530 8,000 114,975 13 2/20/23 7:58:31 PM
Spriggan 5,990 115 5,990 5,998 0 0 0 0 0 3/6/23 12:12:28 PM
Sagittarius 1,050 21 3,148 1,050 2,007 3,344 2,999 26,094 13 2/20/23 10:17:25 PM
Phantom 5,250 224 8,400 5,250 4,964 -856 4,999 34,754 7 2/20/23 10:27:31 PM