Grade 5 Tincture of Mind

Server: Lich

Last Updated: 2/28/23 5:02:45 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 95
More Information

Gathering info:

55 672 683 672 1,089 999 17,428 16 3.40

Level 89 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 5 Tincture of Mind

Lightning Crystal 8 51 408 4/22/24 3:50:57 PM
Water Crystal 8 51 408 4/22/24 3:51:18 PM
Tiger Lily 2 677 1,354 7/9/22 9:17:28 AM
Moonlight Aethersand 2 1,199 2,398 5/13/23 12:49:40 PM
Berkanan Sap 2 147 294 7/3/22 11:05:42 AM
Ambrosial Water 2 100 200 6/15/24 3:13:52 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 5,062

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,037

Profit/Loss HQ = -697

Current Prices

Price History

Lich Cross Server Data for Grade 5 Tincture of Mind on Light

Lich 672 55 683 672 1,089 417 999 17,428 16 2/28/23 5:02:45 PM
Odin 880 121 989 880 904 209 990 21,703 24 5/30/22 10:49:46 PM
Phoenix 555 26 895 555 920 534 849 22,096 24 6/5/23 5:45:32 PM
Shiva 1,000 53 1,500 1,000 737 89 1,099 54,556 74 8/3/23 12:13:05 PM
Zodiark 1,155 10 0 1,155 1,522 -66 1,245 33,491 22 2/27/23 10:07:14 PM
Twintania 1,850 37 1,995 1,850 1,776 -761 1,000 47,956 27 9/27/23 5:18:14 PM
Alpha 3,131 143 3,131 3,132 3,343 -2,042 899 60,176 18 2/28/23 8:07:02 PM