Upland Wheat Flour

Server: Lich

Last Updated: 6/10/22 4:49:57 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

438 664 699 664 503 630 120,292 239 1.80

Level 74 Culinarian Recipe for Upland Wheat Flour

Upland Wheat 5 550 2,750 6/14/23 9:31:12 AM
Fire Crystal 7 59 413 4/22/24 3:51:56 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,163

Profit/Loss Normal = -255

Profit/Loss HQ = -55

Current Prices

Price History

Lich Cross Server Data for Upland Wheat Flour on Light

Lich 664 438 699 664 503 -161 630 120,292 239 6/10/22 4:49:57 PM
Odin 700 567 725 700 765 -197 750 741,098 968 4/24/23 1:35:39 PM
Phoenix 471 940 914 471 638 32 629 5,108 8 6/16/22 12:08:13 AM
Shiva 499 664 899 499 839 4 899 364,211 434 5/6/24 9:45:19 PM
Zodiark 791 1,384 791 1,460 768 -288 800 96,827 126 6/15/22 11:26:40 PM
Twintania 875 893 875 875 1,005 -372 900 551,110 548 1/1/23 3:10:07 PM
Alpha 1,050 199 1,050 1,050 1,077 -547 990 115,315 107 10/6/23 7:58:46 PM
Raiden 840 413 945 840 816 -337 900 235,036 288 2/14/23 3:12:45 AM