White Oak Bracelets

Server: Lich

Last Updated: 3/10/23 6:53:50 AM
Search Category: Bracelets | Item Category: Bracelets | Sell price to vendor: 259
More Information

Gathering info:

10 102,774 102,774 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 71 Carpenter Recipe for White Oak Bracelets

Wind Crystal 6 69 414 4/22/24 3:52:07 PM
White Oak Lumber 2 110 220 2/25/23 12:15:02 PM
Bright Linen Yarn 1 12 12 2/27/23 11:44:53 AM
Varnish 1 1,497 1,497 11/2/24 11:50:16 PM
Ice Crystal 5 70 350 4/22/24 3:52:12 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,493

Profit/Loss Normal = 4,407

Profit/Loss HQ = 67,256

Current Prices

Price History

Lich Cross Server Data for White Oak Bracelets on Light

Lich 102,774 10 102,774 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/10/23 6:53:50 AM
Odin 104,968 4 104,968 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/25/23 12:50:10 AM
Phoenix 21,000 8 21,000 0 19,999 -21,000 20,000 59,999 3 6/18/23 9:16:12 PM
Shiva 26,998 4 26,998 0 26,997 -26,998 26,998 107,991 4 10/28/24 4:42:22 PM
Zodiark 32,000 9 32,000 0 37,249 -32,000 34,999 148,996 4 2/26/22 7:34:07 PM
Twintania 78,749 1 78,749 0 63,499 -78,749 52,000 126,999 2 6/25/23 1:56:15 AM
Raiden 45,149 4 45,149 0 36,995 -45,149 42,998 184,979 5 6/8/23 6:43:59 PM