Amateur's Culinary Knife

Server: Lich

Last Updated: 10/10/21 7:05:58 AM
Search Category: Culinarian's Tools | Item Category: Culinarian's Secondary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

0 0 1,487 398 7,437 5 0.00

Level 6 Blacksmith Recipe for Amateur's Culinary Knife

Fire Shard 1 55 55 6/12/23 5:31:05 PM
Earth Shard 1 76 76 10/6/23 5:27:51 PM
Bronze Ingot 1 46 46 4/22/24 6:44:20 PM
Ragstone Whetstone 1 11 11 2/22/23 12:37:22 PM
Maple Lumber 1 11 11 2/23/23 9:53:33 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 199

Profit/Loss Normal = 801

Profit/Loss HQ = 898

Desynthesizes into:

Ragstone Whetstone
Fire Shard
Earth Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Lich Cross Server Data for Amateur's Culinary Knife on Light

Lich 0 0 0 0 1,487 1,487 398 7,437 5 10/10/21 7:05:58 AM
Odin 980 13 7,495 980 1,399 507 1,399 1,399 1 1/6/22 7:41:00 PM
Phoenix 490 6 1,499 490 231 997 4 2,315 10 10/12/21 2:13:10 PM
Shiva 293 7 40,005 293 723 1,194 1,111 4,339 6 5/21/22 2:00:08 PM
Zodiark 2,000 2 2,000 2,000 826 -513 1,000 3,304 4 5/7/22 7:08:06 PM
Twintania 19 7 19 204 1,919 1,468 5 11,514 6 4/18/21 8:24:49 PM
Alpha 819 1 819 0 500 668 500 500 1 4/10/23 8:28:34 PM
Raiden 199 5 2,000 199 148 1,288 150 743 5 2/2/23 12:25:38 AM