Beech Lumber

Server: Lich

Last Updated: 2/28/23 6:50:15 PM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 9
More Information

Gathering info:

398 1,469 1,469 1,470 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 61 Carpenter Recipe for Beech Lumber

Wind Crystal 3 69 207 4/22/24 3:52:07 PM
Beech Log 4 441 1,764 2/28/23 12:50:01 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,971

Profit/Loss Normal = 219

Profit/Loss HQ = 427

Current Prices

Price History

Lich Cross Server Data for Beech Lumber on Light

Lich 1,469 398 1,469 1,470 0 0 0 0 0 2/28/23 6:50:15 PM
Odin 1,000 170 2,948 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 3/13/23 10:53:24 PM
Phoenix 1,985 50 3,675 1,985 0 0 0 0 0 3/13/23 10:59:23 PM
Shiva 1,039 404 1,039 1,042 0 0 0 0 0 3/8/23 2:00:00 PM
Zodiark 1,488 98 1,489 1,488 1,359 -1,488 1,299 138,621 102 6/14/24 11:20:51 AM
Twintania 1,050 212 2,099 1,050 0 0 0 0 0 3/13/23 10:56:33 PM
Alpha 720 70 1,000 720 453 -720 1,000 40,326 89 5/21/23 4:27:49 PM
Raiden 1,050 29 2,624 1,050 1,112 -1,050 1,498 81,215 73 2/26/23 11:15:30 AM