Gyuki Leather Pattens

Server: Lich

Last Updated: 8/14/20 12:27:53 PM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 312
More Information

Gathering info:

14 3,995 3,995 5,949 4,900 11,899 2 7.00

Level 63 Leatherworker Recipe for Gyuki Leather Pattens

Wind Crystal 3 69 207 4/22/24 3:52:07 PM
Earth Crystal 4 50 200 4/22/24 3:50:26 PM
Ruby Cotton Cloth 1 393 393 10/5/24 9:27:10 AM
Ruby Cotton Yarn 1 839 839 6/23/23 7:59:24 PM
Gyuki Leather 2 1,047 2,094 2/23/23 11:32:49 AM
Rubber 1 154 154 2/26/23 5:51:12 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,887

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,668

Current Prices

Price History

Lich Cross Server Data for Gyuki Leather Pattens on Light

Lich 3,995 14 3,995 0 5,949 1,954 4,900 11,899 2 8/14/20 12:27:53 PM
Odin 5,355 8 5,355 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/22/23 6:23:54 AM
Phoenix 1,099 12 1,099 0 1,564 4,850 1,898 17,214 11 12/31/21 1:15:27 PM
Shiva 2,499 9 2,499 0 1,271 3,450 2,455 13,984 11 10/9/21 8:48:27 PM
Zodiark 10,490 12 10,490 10,498 9,994 -4,541 9,994 9,994 1 4/10/23 9:15:15 AM
Twintania 1,000 8 1,000 0 890 4,949 1,000 5,342 6 3/4/22 6:02:05 PM
Alpha 2,987 8 2,987 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/6/23 8:43:42 AM