Wreck to the Seaman Orchestrion Roll

Server: Lich

Last Updated: 12/23/21 7:02:24 PM
Search Category: Orchestrion Components | Item Category: Orchestrion Roll | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

20 8,499 8,499 8,218 8,499 41,094 5 4.00

Level 50 Alchemist Recipe for Wreck to the Seaman Orchestrion Roll

Lightning Crystal 5 51 255 4/22/24 3:50:57 PM
Water Crystal 7 51 357 4/22/24 3:51:18 PM
Blank Grade 2 Orchestrion Roll 1 7,902 7,902 6/26/23 11:23:11 AM
Faded Copy of Wreck to the Seaman 1 13 13 3/16/23 12:49:57 PM
Enchanted Rose Gold Ink 1 1,048 1,048 6/22/23 4:59:28 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,575

Profit/Loss Normal = 12,375

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Lich Cross Server Data for Wreck to the Seaman Orchestrion Roll on Light

Lich 8,499 20 0 8,499 8,218 -281 8,499 41,094 5 12/23/21 7:02:24 PM
Odin 13,650 14 0 13,650 13,165 -5,432 12,999 78,991 6 4/17/23 8:29:13 PM
Phoenix 15,215 6 0 15,215 14,150 -6,997 14,150 14,150 1 6/27/23 3:53:30 PM
Shiva 54,492 16 0 54,492 53,991 -46,274 53,991 53,991 1 4/28/23 8:35:32 PM
Zodiark 4,000 11 0 4,000 3,398 4,218 3,900 16,993 5 2/15/22 4:20:55 PM
Twintania 12,495 3 0 12,495 11,563 -4,277 11,989 46,252 4 4/18/23 11:39:19 AM