Eikon Leather Leg Guards of Striking

Server: Lich

Last Updated: 6/2/23 10:13:37 AM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 259
More Information

Gathering info:

13 8,147 8,377 8,147 10,699 10,699 10,699 1 13.00

Level 60 Leatherworker Recipe for Eikon Leather Leg Guards of Striking

Titanium Ingot 1 799 799 2/25/23 12:24:53 PM
Grade 1 Strength Dissolvent 2 1,412 2,824 5/5/23 11:39:20 PM
Eikon Cloth 1 3,845 3,845 4/22/23 4:11:07 PM
Eikon Leather 2 703 1,406 9/28/24 1:11:28 PM
Wind Cluster 2 149 298 4/22/24 3:51:33 PM
Earth Cluster 3 37 111 6/18/23 8:25:44 PM
Rubber 1 154 154 2/26/23 5:51:12 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,437

Profit/Loss Normal = 563

Profit/Loss HQ = 162

Desynthesizes into:

Eikon Cloth
Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Lich Cross Server Data for Eikon Leather Leg Guards of Striking on Light

Lich 8,147 13 8,377 8,147 10,699 2,552 10,699 10,699 1 6/2/23 10:13:37 AM
Odin 6,999 8 6,999 0 2,603 3,700 5,001 33,845 13 1/31/22 8:21:17 PM
Phoenix 5,456 10 5,457 5,456 0 0 0 0 0 4/10/23 2:45:44 AM
Shiva 4,715 13 4,715 4,725 0 0 0 0 0 3/26/23 9:57:05 AM
Zodiark 5,355 11 5,355 8,348 4,877 5,344 5,090 48,771 10 6/14/21 4:26:03 PM
Twintania 6,281 14 6,281 8,000 6,817 4,418 6,899 34,088 5 4/25/22 10:31:51 PM
Raiden 31,687 6 31,687 31,708 30,258 -20,988 30,258 30,258 1 2/25/23 1:06:30 AM