Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets

Server: Leviathan

Last Updated: 12/11/22 12:26:26 AM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 106
More Information

Gathering info:

9 1,000 1,000 1,900 2,609 3,199 36,535 14 0.60

Level 50 Armorer Recipe for Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets

Ice Cluster 2 11 22 7/9/22 7:56:15 PM
Earth Cluster 1 29 29 6/26/23 3:55:41 AM
Darksteel Plate 1 4,200 4,200 6/18/23 11:50:23 PM
Darksteel Rings 1 33 33 6/4/23 8:48:43 AM
Hippogryph Leather 1 520 520 3/29/23 5:55:23 PM
Wolfram Ingot 1 4,350 4,350 9/24/23 2:27:15 AM
Terminus Putty 2 2,071 4,142 5/6/23 8:55:13 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 13,296

Profit/Loss Normal = -11,796

Profit/Loss HQ = -11,246

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Ice Cluster
Earth Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Leviathan Cross Server Data for Heavy Wolfram Gauntlets on Primal

Behemoth 4,000 10 4,000 4,900 1,228 -1,391 2,797 14,747 12 4/28/22 8:39:20 AM
Excalibur 999 13 1,899 999 1,392 1,610 1,850 11,142 8 6/18/22 9:26:18 AM
Exodus 1,000 15 1,000 2,106 4,198 1,609 1,490 20,990 5 8/25/22 9:02:13 PM
Famfrit 2,817 10 2,817 5,000 1,916 -208 2,815 30,670 16 2/7/23 4:53:46 PM
Hyperion 7,940 10 8,794 7,940 1,732 -5,331 5,117 27,726 16 1/28/23 9:22:40 AM
Lamia 1,000 9 1,000 6,000 789 1,609 801 9,473 12 11/19/21 4:11:42 PM
Leviathan 1,000 9 1,000 1,900 2,609 1,609 3,199 36,535 14 12/11/22 12:26:26 AM
Ultros 7,890 10 7,890 9,969 2,167 -5,281 4,799 30,346 14 11/14/22 12:53:08 AM