Indagator's Necklace of Gathering

Server: Leviathan

Last Updated: 1/3/24 12:21:51 AM
Search Category: Necklaces | Item Category: Necklace | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

6 473,988 473,988 186,599 474,986 3,172,185 17 0.40

Level 90 Leatherworker Recipe for Indagator's Necklace of Gathering

Wind Cluster 5 288 1,440 6/25/23 12:56:24 AM
Earth Cluster 5 29 145 6/26/23 3:55:41 AM
Titanoboa Leather 2 29,900 59,800 11/3/22 2:46:45 AM
Bayberry Cloth 2 5,879 11,758 10/8/23 5:05:30 AM
Zoisite 2 9,483 18,966 2/28/23 8:38:09 PM
Gripgel 2 13,500 27,000 2/21/23 10:15:42 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 119,109

Profit/Loss Normal = -69,109

Profit/Loss HQ = 354,879

Current Prices

Price History

Leviathan Cross Server Data for Indagator's Necklace of Gathering on Primal

Behemoth 173,999 6 173,999 0 233,607 12,600 174,992 4,204,941 18 1/29/24 7:32:59 AM
Excalibur 188,957 11 188,957 0 169,275 -2,358 179,958 3,554,775 21 9/18/23 6:40:54 AM
Exodus 136,496 30 136,496 0 183,743 50,103 136,714 4,593,579 25 2/23/23 2:45:47 AM
Famfrit 99,949 9 99,949 349,997 249,685 86,650 99,953 2,996,231 12 5/3/24 1:06:53 AM
Hyperion 128,963 11 128,963 0 162,085 57,636 128,969 3,241,709 20 4/20/24 3:13:44 AM
Lamia 114,890 18 114,890 0 116,142 71,709 114,909 1,045,280 9 5/1/24 4:05:41 PM
Leviathan 473,988 6 473,988 0 186,599 -287,389 474,986 3,172,185 17 1/3/24 12:21:51 AM
Ultros 50,000 9 293,300 50,000 182,502 136,599 293,312 7,300,098 40 1/22/23 10:20:42 PM