Rinascita Bracelet of Healing

Server: Leviathan

Last Updated: 5/30/23 3:51:08 AM
Search Category: Bracelets | Item Category: Bracelets | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

18 100,140 100,140 100,313 70,751 95,455 353,756 5 3.60

Level 90 Carpenter Recipe for Rinascita Bracelet of Healing

Ice Cluster 3 11 33 7/9/22 7:56:15 PM
Wind Cluster 3 288 864 6/25/23 12:56:24 AM
Integral Lumber 1 1,300 1,300 2/1/24 6:08:46 AM
Endstone Aethersand 1 159 159 9/19/23 12:25:34 PM
Paldao Lumber 1 8,166 8,166 6/29/23 8:02:41 AM
Bayberry Cloth 1 5,879 5,879 10/8/23 5:05:30 AM
Grade 7 Mind Alkahest 1 490 490 11/3/22 2:47:34 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 16,891

Profit/Loss Normal = 9,359

Profit/Loss HQ = -16,565

Current Prices

Price History

Leviathan Cross Server Data for Rinascita Bracelet of Healing on Primal

Behemoth 57,749 10 125,999 57,749 56,146 13,002 40,296 112,292 2 6/21/23 3:52:19 AM
Excalibur 51,450 10 83,999 51,450 55,722 19,301 50,000 334,332 6 6/23/23 5:57:29 PM
Exodus 52,811 14 56,699 52,811 47,982 17,940 55,000 239,913 5 6/20/23 2:55:30 AM
Famfrit 56,697 10 187,739 56,697 52,000 14,054 54,000 104,000 2 6/10/23 1:50:50 PM
Hyperion 22,047 8 98,753 22,047 30,373 48,704 20,500 121,495 4 6/23/23 12:51:12 AM
Lamia 62,997 11 130,199 62,997 74,791 7,754 74,791 74,791 1 6/26/23 10:53:44 PM
Leviathan 100,140 18 100,140 100,313 70,751 -29,389 95,455 353,756 5 5/30/23 3:51:08 AM
Ultros 52,500 6 0 52,500 56,631 18,251 49,899 169,893 3 6/23/23 3:54:29 AM