Tincture of Vitality

Server: Leviathan

Last Updated: 6/6/23 3:59:15 AM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 95
More Information

Gathering info:

101 7,350 9,974 7,350 7,380 7,779 51,663 7 14.40

Level 79 Alchemist Recipe for Tincture of Vitality

Lightning Crystal 7 55 385 1/1/23 9:21:21 PM
Water Crystal 7 58 406 2/28/23 8:43:19 PM
Underground Spring Water 1 285 285 12/2/22 10:44:27 PM
Lime Basil 2 525 1,050 3/10/23 5:48:44 PM
Hydrozoan Umbrella 2 338 676 6/23/23 8:47:38 PM
Chiaroglow Aethersand 1 400 400 9/11/23 6:43:45 PM
Scuroglow Aethersand 1 943 943 5/30/23 11:27:29 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 4,145

Profit/Loss Normal = -282

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,118

Current Prices

Price History

Leviathan Cross Server Data for Tincture of Vitality on Primal

Behemoth 1,523 127 7,340 1,523 3,999 5,857 7,000 47,999 12 6/15/23 7:49:33 AM
Excalibur 4,990 146 5,000 4,990 6,732 2,390 5,095 60,592 9 5/22/23 12:09:06 AM
Exodus 105 156 5,250 105 5,995 7,275 5,995 89,925 15 6/13/23 4:44:01 AM
Famfrit 1,039 41 12,600 1,039 11,043 6,341 15,999 99,392 9 6/25/23 11:47:39 PM
Hyperion 3,000 38 7,500 3,000 7,500 4,380 7,500 22,500 3 2/24/25 5:48:40 PM
Lamia 1,102 6 15,593 1,102 7,731 6,278 14,850 69,584 9 6/25/23 5:20:27 PM
Leviathan 7,350 101 9,974 7,350 7,380 30 7,779 51,663 7 6/6/23 3:59:15 AM
Ultros 3,044 291 10,500 3,044 6,166 4,336 2,000 36,996 6 6/20/23 2:50:15 PM