Adamantite Ingot

Server: Leviathan

Last Updated: 2/28/23 9:03:42 PM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 7
More Information

Gathering info:

119 9 9 11 11 15 103 9 13.20

Level 60 Blacksmith Recipe for Adamantite Ingot

Adamantite Nugget 2 2,700 5,400 7/3/23 7:27:33 AM
Sun Mica 1 6 6 6/3/23 7:30:14 AM
Purified Coke 5 1 5 11/10/22 9:32:33 PM
Fire Cluster 2 29 58 7/9/22 7:56:07 PM
Earth Cluster 2 29 58 6/26/23 3:55:41 AM
Blue Quartz 1 3 3 1/15/22 6:06:42 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 5,530

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,643

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,732

Level 60 Armorer Recipe for Adamantite Ingot

Adamantite Nugget 2 2,700 5,400 7/3/23 7:27:33 AM
Sun Mica 1 6 6 6/3/23 7:30:14 AM
Purified Coke 5 1 5 11/10/22 9:32:33 PM
Ice Cluster 2 11 22 7/9/22 7:56:15 PM
Earth Cluster 2 29 58 6/26/23 3:55:41 AM
Blue Quartz 1 3 3 1/15/22 6:06:42 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 5,494

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,631

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,720

Current Prices

Price History

Leviathan Cross Server Data for Adamantite Ingot on Primal

Behemoth 8 97 682 8 358 3 10 2,509 7 9/13/23 5:35:34 AM
Excalibur 38 316 1,998 38 230 -27 500 17,765 77 4/27/24 3:06:03 AM
Exodus 14 128 586 14 22 -3 90 801 35 4/23/23 7:50:53 PM
Famfrit 15 73 746 15 67 -4 25 2,829 42 5/28/24 7:25:37 AM
Hyperion 7 72 55 7 7 4 4 119 16 2/2/24 3:24:57 AM
Lamia 70 51 620 70 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 5:57:53 AM
Leviathan 9 119 9 11 11 2 15 103 9 2/28/23 9:03:42 PM
Ultros 7 49 12 7 15 4 24 31 2 2/6/25 3:06:57 AM