Hardsilver Ingot

Server: Leviathan

Last Updated: 6/29/23 9:48:13 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

102 2,900 5,000 2,900 3,014 1,000 156,766 52 2.00

Level 56 Goldsmith Recipe for Hardsilver Ingot

Wind Crystal 5 59 295 2/1/25 11:54:03 PM
Hardsilver Nugget 1 945 945 6/29/23 9:48:46 AM
Hardsilver Ore 4 197 788 6/10/22 6:53:13 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,028

Profit/Loss Normal = 172

Profit/Loss HQ = -228

60 Hive Ceiling Fan
56 Hallowed Chestnut Composite Bow
60 Adamantite-barreled Culverin
56 Hallowed Chestnut Wand
57 Hardsilver Pole
57 Dragonskin Grimoire
58 Book of Aurum Regis
60 Noble Gold
57 Dragonskin Codex
58 Noble's Picatrix
60 Noble's Codex
57 Hardsilver Planisphere
59 Aurum Regis Orrery
60 Aurum Regis Planisphere
56 Titanium Helm of Fending
57 Titanium Cuirass of Fending
56 Titanium Vambraces of Fending
57 Dragonskin Breeches of Fending
60 Chimerical Felt Breeches of Fending
57 Titanium Sabatons of Fending
57 Titanium Mail of Maiming
56 Titanium Vambraces of Maiming
57 Dragonskin Breeches of Maiming
57 Titanium Sollerets of Maiming
57 Titanium Mail of Striking
56 Titanium Vambraces of Striking
57 Dragonskin Breeches of Striking
57 Titanium Sabatons of Striking
59 Serpentskin Boots of Striking
56 Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Aiming
59 Serpentskin Boots of Aiming
57 Titanium Mail of Scouting
56 Titanium Vambraces of Scouting
57 Dragonskin Breeches of Scouting
57 Titanium Sabatons of Scouting
59 Serpentskin Boots of Scouting
56 Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Healing
60 Aurum Regis Circlet of Healing
60 Chimerical Felt Robe of Healing
56 Hallowed Chestnut Mask of Casting
60 Chimerical Felt Coat of Casting
59 Serpentskin Gloves of Casting
57 Opal Choker of Fending
56 Opal Bracelet of Fending
57 Opal Earrings of Fending
58 Aurum Regis Earrings of Fending
56 Opal Ring of Fending
57 Opal Choker of Slaying
56 Opal Bracelet of Slaying
57 Opal Earrings of Slaying
58 Aurum Regis Earrings of Slaying
56 Opal Ring of Slaying
57 Opal Choker of Aiming
56 Opal Bracelet of Aiming
57 Opal Earrings of Aiming
58 Aurum Regis Earrings of Aiming
56 Opal Ring of Aiming
57 Opal Choker of Healing
56 Opal Bracelet of Healing
57 Opal Earrings of Healing
58 Aurum Regis Earrings of Healing
56 Opal Ring of Healing
57 Opal Choker of Casting
56 Opal Bracelet of Casting
57 Opal Earrings of Casting
58 Aurum Regis Earrings of Casting
56 Opal Ring of Casting
57 Hardsilver Lapidary Hammer
57 Hardsilver Round Knife
60 Aurum Regis Creasing Knife
56 Dragon Fang Needle
57 Hardsilver Hatchet
60 Adamantite Hatchet
57 Hallowed Chestnut Fishing Rod
60 Chimerical Felt Doublet of Crafting
60 Serpentskin Bush Hat
60 Serpentskin Vest
58 Dragonskin Choker
58 Dragonskin Wristbands
57 Hardsilver Earrings of Gathering
57 Dragonskin Ring
57 Royal Plotting Table
60 Star Sapphire Music Box
60 Star Ruby Music Box
58 Goblin Jig
60 Forgemaster's Hammer
60 Hammermaster's Beetle
60 Gemmaster's Mallet
60 Cauldronmaster's Alembic
60 Forgemaster's Redingote
60 Forgemaster's Slops
60 Forgemaster's Sandals
60 Hammermaster's Waist Apron
60 Hammermaster's Work Gloves
60 Hammermaster's Slops
60 Hammermaster's Workboots
60 Gemmaster's Coronal
60 Gemmaster's Chaplets
60 Gemmaster's Sandals
60 Hidemaster's Cap
60 Hidemaster's Trousers
60 Cauldronmaster's Spectacles
60 High House Bustle
60 High House Halfboots
57 Alpine Chandelier
60 Tier 3 Aquarium
56 Hardsilver Foil
64 Hingan House Roof (Kura-zukuri)
68 Hingan Mansion Wall (Kura-zukuri)
66 Hingan Chimney (Kura-zukuri)
68 Hingan Placard (Kura-zukuri)
57 Fat Cat Bank
58 Rarefied Titanium Vambraces
58 Rarefied Hardsilver Pole
60 Rarefied Aurum Regis Earrings
58 Rarefied Dragonskin Ring
60 Rarefied Book of Aurum Regis

Current Prices

Price History

Leviathan Cross Server Data for Hardsilver Ingot on Primal

Behemoth 6,000 63 9,998 6,000 4,797 -2,986 10,000 551,729 115 10/9/24 5:43:52 PM
Excalibur 2,550 71 2,550 2,800 3,112 464 3,500 326,855 105 5/21/23 1:46:00 AM
Exodus 1,469 140 5,250 1,469 2,140 1,545 2,599 25,691 12 10/5/23 2:58:50 AM
Famfrit 793 276 793 794 3,282 2,221 794 98,468 30 6/24/24 2:54:59 AM
Hyperion 2,390 116 2,501 2,390 1,683 624 2,000 269,309 160 6/15/24 8:25:06 PM
Lamia 1,995 107 1,999 1,995 0 0 0 0 0 4/3/23 12:04:33 AM
Leviathan 2,900 102 5,000 2,900 3,014 114 1,000 156,766 52 6/29/23 9:48:13 AM
Ultros 4,095 62 4,095 4,199 2,343 -1,081 2,000 194,530 83 2/26/23 10:31:29 PM