Cream Cheese

Server: Lamia

Last Updated: 2/1/24 1:00:45 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

912 200 248 200 220 100 29,955 136 6.70

Level 36 Culinarian Recipe for Cream Cheese

Fire Shard 4 79 316 6/27/23 11:59:40 AM
Sweet Cream 1 95 95 10/7/23 5:42:04 AM
Night Milk 2 200 400 1/5/24 1:50:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 811

Profit/Loss Normal = -170

Profit/Loss HQ = -50

Current Prices

Price History

Lamia Cross Server Data for Cream Cheese on Primal

Behemoth 49 925 94 49 85 171 400 25,906 303 11/8/23 10:18:41 PM
Excalibur 299 174 400 299 520 -79 295 80,163 154 4/27/24 1:43:17 AM
Exodus 188 1,192 188 200 102 32 300 47,663 464 5/22/24 7:24:29 PM
Famfrit 95 1,149 105 95 57 125 58 7,647 133 6/14/22 1:17:13 AM
Hyperion 30 1,249 30 30 39 190 150 5,864 149 2/17/25 3:15:45 PM
Lamia 200 912 248 200 220 20 100 29,955 136 2/1/24 1:00:45 PM
Leviathan 1,035 567 1,045 1,035 0 0 0 0 0 9/20/23 10:54:16 PM
Ultros 100 1,062 100 150 98 120 100 36,877 375 10/5/24 2:51:25 PM