Honey Muffin

Server: Lamia

Last Updated: 6/4/23 8:52:45 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

126 32 1,023 32 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 21 Culinarian Recipe for Honey Muffin

Fire Shard 2 79 158 6/27/23 11:59:40 AM
Mineral Water 1 81 81 2/1/24 1:00:18 PM
Aldgoat Milk 1 40 40 2/1/24 1:00:23 PM
Chicken Egg 1 2 2 6/6/23 8:59:36 PM
Sunset Wheat Flour 1 150 150 2/2/24 9:36:10 AM
Honey 1 2 2 2/28/23 3:24:27 AM
Smooth Butter 1 19 19 5/26/23 2:47:41 AM
Water Shard 1 59 59 5/5/24 12:59:58 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 511

Profit/Loss Normal = -70

Profit/Loss HQ = -156

50 Afternoon Tea Set
60 Bread Rack

Current Prices

Price History

Lamia Cross Server Data for Honey Muffin on Primal

Behemoth 2 181 2 200 0 0 0 0 0 4/16/22 4:33:18 PM
Excalibur 7 404 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 1/29/22 4:54:39 PM
Exodus 89 276 99,999,999 89 23 -89 90 4,950 207 5/2/22 2:13:53 AM
Famfrit 1 94 1,000 1 700 -1 700 1,400 2 3/29/22 2:13:33 AM
Hyperion 19 166 27 19 0 0 0 0 0 4/1/23 1:32:21 PM
Lamia 32 126 1,023 32 0 0 0 0 0 6/4/23 8:52:45 AM
Leviathan 40 625 40 126 39 -40 39 117 3 4/13/23 4:45:02 AM
Ultros 11 89 11 16 61 -11 9 2,266 37 6/8/23 10:53:51 AM