Sleeping Potion

Server: Lamia

Last Updated: 2/19/23 12:05:22 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 10
More Information

Gathering info:

16 32 3,500 32 35 30 3,774 105 0.20

Level 36 Alchemist Recipe for Sleeping Potion

Quicksilver 1 20 20 8/26/22 11:17:02 PM
Belladonna 1 1 1 4/27/22 7:06:40 AM
Morbol Vine 1 100 100 8/5/22 10:52:57 PM
Lightning Shard 4 65 260 9/8/22 10:16:09 PM
Water Shard 4 59 236 5/5/24 12:59:58 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 617

Profit/Loss Normal = -176

Profit/Loss HQ = -176

Current Prices

Price History

Lamia Cross Server Data for Sleeping Potion on Primal

Behemoth 1,995 10 2,100 1,995 0 0 0 0 0 6/16/23 8:18:01 AM
Excalibur 150 18 0 150 308 -115 500 15,750 51 7/3/23 8:09:13 PM
Exodus 300 303 999 300 205 -265 400 1,230 6 8/20/22 9:17:06 PM
Famfrit 0 0 0 0 5,099 35 5,099 20,396 4 7/17/23 10:04:42 PM
Hyperion 501 18 999 501 925 -466 999 8,325 9 2/13/25 3:08:37 PM
Lamia 32 16 3,500 32 35 3 30 3,774 105 2/19/23 12:05:22 PM
Leviathan 700 8 700 788 834 -665 834 2,502 3 2/7/22 2:34:28 PM
Ultros 0 0 0 0 992 35 995 5,955 6 9/25/23 4:16:23 AM