Smelling Salts

Server: Lamia

Last Updated: 6/13/23 11:09:25 AM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 9
More Information

Gathering info:

255 94 388 94 245 89 3,442 14 18.20

Level 40 Alchemist Recipe for Smelling Salts

Desert Saffron 1 75 75 9/12/22 7:05:20 AM
Rock Salt 1 120 120 11/28/22 11:42:18 PM
Blue Landtrap Leaf 1 415 415 6/11/23 2:54:02 AM
Lightning Shard 4 65 260 9/8/22 10:16:09 PM
Water Shard 5 59 295 5/5/24 12:59:58 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,165

Profit/Loss Normal = 4,612

Profit/Loss HQ = 612

Current Prices

Price History

Lamia Cross Server Data for Smelling Salts on Primal

Behemoth 50 8 3,000 50 0 0 0 0 0 11/6/24 1:59:59 PM
Excalibur 1,069 99 1,069 0 1,233 -824 1,233 14,796 12 11/28/22 10:36:49 PM
Exodus 1,313 78 0 1,313 3,303 -1,068 1,100 227,961 69 4/9/23 6:22:17 AM
Famfrit 30 639 700 30 334 215 900 10,700 32 7/17/23 10:04:03 PM
Hyperion 10,000 36 10,000 0 9 -9,755 9 81 9 2/24/25 5:44:48 PM
Lamia 94 255 388 94 245 151 89 3,442 14 6/13/23 11:09:25 AM
Leviathan 209 119 0 209 5,000 36 5,000 15,000 3 6/23/23 3:52:02 AM
Ultros 500 77 0 500 461 -255 500 43,383 94 12/30/21 6:12:23 PM