Grade 5 Mind Alkahest

Server: Lamia

Last Updated: 5/1/24 11:50:26 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 32
More Information

Gathering info:

270 800 1,699 800 1,460 750 670,251 459 0.60

Level 83 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 5 Mind Alkahest

Water Crystal 8 37 296 2/2/24 10:49:35 AM
Underground Spring Water 2 66 132 6/21/24 4:13:34 PM
Tiger Lily 2 257 514 6/8/22 11:43:40 AM
Lunatender Blossom 1 523 523 9/13/23 3:35:47 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,465

Profit/Loss Normal = 262

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,202

Current Prices

Price History

Lamia Cross Server Data for Grade 5 Mind Alkahest on Primal

Behemoth 900 26 1,000 900 807 560 1,000 212,341 263 5/2/24 12:02:13 AM
Excalibur 900 586 900 1,000 1,641 560 2,500 173,966 106 4/23/24 1:04:57 AM
Exodus 840 484 1,551 840 2,824 620 1,469 70,624 25 10/7/23 5:48:25 PM
Famfrit 1,050 194 2,310 1,050 580 410 1,000 3,484 6 10/7/23 12:27:14 PM
Hyperion 1,998 408 2,490 1,998 2,411 -538 2,499 492,024 204 9/21/24 2:21:38 AM
Lamia 800 270 1,699 800 1,460 660 750 670,251 459 5/1/24 11:50:26 PM
Leviathan 499 620 1,691 499 1,584 961 450 110,887 70 1/3/24 4:27:21 PM
Ultros 1,122 1,073 2,099 1,122 1,618 338 1,997 55,032 34 9/13/23 10:28:51 AM