Grade 3 Infusion of Dexterity

Server: Lamia

Last Updated: 6/21/24 10:18:04 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 83
More Information

Gathering info:

103 500 900 500 94 99 282 3 34.30

Level 70 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 3 Infusion of Dexterity

Lightning Cluster 2 164 328 2/2/24 10:13:22 AM
Water Cluster 2 58 116 3/2/23 11:53:53 AM
Ala Mhigan Salt Crystal 1 420 420 2/27/23 3:03:52 PM
Alyssum 2 31 62 5/7/23 6:35:54 AM
Duskglow Aethersand 1 1,650 1,650 10/26/21 5:34:36 AM
Azim Spring Water 1 126 126 6/25/23 1:54:02 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,702

Profit/Loss Normal = -802

Profit/Loss HQ = -709

Current Prices

Price History

Lamia Cross Server Data for Grade 3 Infusion of Dexterity on Primal

Behemoth 300 18 15,999 300 3,000 -206 3,000 216,000 72 10/6/20 4:50:47 AM
Excalibur 95 8 0 95 0 0 0 0 0 6/6/23 7:51:25 AM
Exodus 839 11 5,000 839 0 0 0 0 0 8/20/22 9:18:32 PM
Famfrit 183 2 0 183 0 0 0 0 0 7/17/23 10:06:45 PM
Hyperion 150 6 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 2/24/25 5:47:33 PM
Lamia 500 103 900 500 94 -406 99 282 3 6/21/24 10:18:04 PM
Leviathan 300 12 0 300 2,000 -206 2,000 106,000 53 11/3/21 6:25:59 AM
Ultros 1,400 8 0 1,400 236 -1,306 380 11,107 47 11/25/20 9:29:40 PM