Platinum Earrings of Slaying

Server: Kujata

Last Updated: 6/24/23 3:31:21 PM
Search Category: Earrings | Item Category: Earrings | Sell price to vendor: 99
More Information

Gathering info:

7 9,565 9,565 8,226 8,900 49,360 6 1.20

Level 50 Goldsmith Recipe for Platinum Earrings of Slaying

Fire Cluster 2 54 108 2/4/23 10:09:26 AM
Wind Cluster 2 179 358 6/8/23 5:51:46 AM
Ruby 2 3 6 6/5/23 8:40:02 AM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 2 979 1,958 4/20/23 3:45:25 AM
Platinum Ingot 3 42 126 6/15/22 2:43:29 PM
Allagan Catalyst 1 35 35 2/13/22 2:13:23 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,591

Profit/Loss Normal = 17,508

Profit/Loss HQ = 6,309

Desynthesizes into:

Allagan Catalyst
Wind Cluster
Fire Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Kujata Cross Server Data for Platinum Earrings of Slaying on Elemental

Aegis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/23/18 4:08:53 AM
Atomos 2,288 5 3,317 2,288 2,252 5,938 3,000 18,017 8 10/29/19 1:20:41 AM
Gungnir 3,150 5 3,150 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/19/21 2:58:54 PM
Kujata 9,565 7 9,565 0 8,226 -1,339 8,900 49,360 6 6/24/23 3:31:21 PM
Tonberry 12,800 4 12,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/17/22 11:50:11 AM