Palm Lumber

Server: Kujata

Last Updated: 9/13/23 6:33:20 AM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 12
More Information

Gathering info:

151 209 1,050 209 417 500 4,595 11 13.70

Level 82 Carpenter Recipe for Palm Lumber

Wind Crystal 8 34 272 10/8/23 4:58:48 AM
Palm Log 5 95 475 9/30/23 4:34:58 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 747

Profit/Loss Normal = -552

Profit/Loss HQ = -247

Current Prices

Price History

Kujata Cross Server Data for Palm Lumber on Elemental

Aegis 11 346 158 11 117 406 20 2,698 23 6/11/22 5:30:01 PM
Atomos 24 263 209 24 138 393 205 17,832 129 6/14/22 3:59:55 AM
Carbuncle 189 532 225 189 158 228 300 5,064 32 6/14/22 4:10:16 AM
Garuda 210 122 468 210 210 207 200 7,780 37 6/14/22 7:01:22 AM
Gungnir 42 413 210 42 96 375 90 3,971 41 6/12/22 12:13:20 AM
Kujata 209 151 1,050 209 417 208 500 4,595 11 9/13/23 6:33:20 AM
Tonberry 99 136 2,500 99 108 318 249 20,030 185 12/29/22 8:09:50 AM
Typhon 95 447 105 95 218 322 79 33,395 153 6/14/22 4:47:57 AM