Triplite Ring of Fending

Server: Kujata

Last Updated: 4/23/23 5:04:38 PM
Search Category: Rings | Item Category: Ring | Sell price to vendor: 281
More Information

Gathering info:

7 19,226 19,226 18,255 18,300 36,510 2 3.50

Level 76 Goldsmith Recipe for Triplite Ring of Fending

Wind Crystal 7 34 238 10/8/23 4:58:48 AM
Titanbronze Nugget 1 104 104 10/2/23 8:10:50 AM
Triplite 1 104 104 6/20/23 3:55:58 PM
Grade 1 Vitality Alkahest 1 128 128 4/11/23 10:02:21 AM
Fire Crystal 6 45 270 1/18/23 7:16:50 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 844

Profit/Loss Normal = 19,156

Profit/Loss HQ = 15,466

Current Prices

Price History

Kujata Cross Server Data for Triplite Ring of Fending on Elemental

Aegis 32,550 6 32,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 11:50:11 PM
Atomos 21,000 4 21,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/14/23 2:45:37 PM
Carbuncle 10,721 5 10,721 0 10,310 7,534 10,310 41,240 4 2/13/23 5:46:26 AM
Garuda 14,700 16 14,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 11:12:04 PM
Gungnir 31,500 12 31,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 11:25:42 PM
Kujata 19,226 7 19,226 0 18,255 -971 18,300 36,510 2 4/23/23 5:04:38 PM
Tonberry 40,000 2 40,000 0 37,460 -21,745 37,700 486,983 13 10/12/21 1:59:40 PM
Typhon 10,796 6 20,999 10,796 0 0 0 0 0 6/6/21 12:25:35 AM