Marimo Lamp

Server: Kujata

Last Updated: 5/13/23 6:55:06 AM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

15 16,799 16,799 17,999 18,000 35,999 2 7.50

Level 55 Goldsmith Recipe for Marimo Lamp

Wind Crystal 4 34 136 10/8/23 4:58:48 AM
Hardsilver Nugget 3 1,050 3,150 9/19/23 4:12:00 PM
Growth Formula Epsilon 1 2,880 2,880 3/28/23 9:59:02 AM
Thavnairian Mistletoe 2 0 0 12/28/21 2:18:42 PM
Lamp Marimo 1 2,102 2,102 6/8/22 10:47:29 PM
Fire Crystal 4 45 180 1/18/23 7:16:50 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,448

Profit/Loss Normal = 9,552

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Hardsilver Nugget
Wind Crystal
Fire Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Kujata Cross Server Data for Marimo Lamp on Elemental

Aegis 12,600 15 0 12,600 14,849 5,399 14,800 148,494 10 6/13/23 2:00:00 PM
Atomos 14,700 37 0 14,700 14,591 3,299 14,998 72,956 5 5/14/23 8:44:11 AM
Carbuncle 12,432 23 0 12,432 11,900 5,567 11,900 59,500 5 5/16/23 5:10:54 PM
Garuda 13,483 24 0 13,483 14,960 4,516 14,960 14,960 1 3/13/25 5:07:26 AM
Gungnir 27,300 19 0 27,300 27,845 -9,301 26,000 55,690 2 5/15/23 12:49:38 PM
Kujata 16,799 15 0 16,799 17,999 1,200 18,000 35,999 2 5/13/23 6:55:06 AM
Tonberry 15,708 12 0 15,708 14,937 2,291 14,940 74,688 5 6/22/23 9:58:50 AM
Typhon 19,949 23 0 19,949 18,081 -1,950 18,960 126,570 7 6/15/23 6:55:50 PM