Clam Chowder

Server: Kujata

Last Updated: 6/8/22 10:43:48 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 14
More Information

Gathering info:

20 5,250 14,700 5,250 13,199 13,999 197,997 15 1.30

Level 60 Culinarian Recipe for Clam Chowder

Fanged Clam 2 112 224 12/13/22 11:52:35 AM
Unidentified Flying Biomass 2 2,000 4,000 12/19/22 11:35:40 AM
Chives 1 14 14 12/23/22 5:31:15 AM
Abalathian Rock Salt 1 209 209 6/22/23 10:29:37 AM
Bouillon Cube 1 199 199 3/11/23 4:17:10 AM
Water Crystal 5 24 120 9/20/23 8:56:43 AM
Fire Crystal 6 45 270 1/18/23 7:16:50 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 5,036

Profit/Loss Normal = 321

Profit/Loss HQ = 5,321

Current Prices

Price History

Kujata Cross Server Data for Clam Chowder on Elemental

Aegis 3,885 18 7,997 3,885 7,616 9,314 7,616 114,240 15 6/12/23 3:48:52 PM
Atomos 3,165 53 21,000 3,165 3,254 10,034 2,000 22,779 7 6/8/22 5:38:34 PM
Carbuncle 410 42 9,975 410 0 0 0 0 0 4/5/23 11:57:36 AM
Garuda 3,150 15 9,450 3,150 4,028 10,049 9,000 28,200 7 6/8/22 10:15:39 PM
Gungnir 1,050 14 6,212 1,050 3,800 12,149 500 57,000 15 5/10/23 9:08:09 AM
Kujata 5,250 20 14,700 5,250 13,199 7,949 13,999 197,997 15 6/8/22 10:43:48 PM
Tonberry 3,013 26 15,750 3,013 9,499 10,186 14,999 56,997 6 4/16/23 1:30:36 PM
Typhon 1,575 64 21,017 1,575 5,014 11,624 5,014 90,252 18 6/8/22 6:50:31 PM