Baked Pipira Pira

Server: Kujata

Last Updated: 8/26/21 7:32:55 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 13
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Gathering info:

22 4,500 5,000 4,500 6,580 4,500 473,778 72 0.30

Level 58 Culinarian Recipe for Baked Pipira Pira

Pipira Pira 1 1,200 1,200 8/27/21 8:28:20 AM
Fermented Butter 1 683 683 2/25/23 8:07:49 PM
Porcini 2 26 52 3/30/23 2:59:02 AM
Abalathian Rock Salt 1 209 209 6/22/23 10:29:37 AM
Water Crystal 5 24 120 9/20/23 8:56:43 AM
Fire Crystal 5 45 225 1/18/23 7:16:50 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,489

Profit/Loss Normal = 3,170

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,669

Current Prices

Price History

Kujata Cross Server Data for Baked Pipira Pira on Elemental

Aegis 2,500 47 4,444 2,500 6,253 4,080 8,000 412,725 66 5/10/20 5:50:38 AM
Atomos 1,413 47 3,000 1,413 4,306 5,167 1,500 452,160 105 11/15/21 11:02:50 PM
Gungnir 924 25 3,150 924 3,636 5,656 1,000 65,450 18 5/18/21 3:04:22 AM
Kujata 4,500 22 5,000 4,500 6,580 2,080 4,500 473,778 72 8/26/21 7:32:55 AM
Tonberry 4,694 507 9,450 4,694 7,807 1,886 9,800 93,684 12 5/28/23 7:45:19 AM
Typhon 1,518 56 3,420 1,518 3,270 5,062 3,720 323,770 99 8/3/20 5:01:26 AM