Adamantite Barbut of Maiming

Server: Kujata

Last Updated: 12/5/21 7:43:51 PM
Search Category: Head | Item Category: Head | Sell price to vendor: 212
More Information

Gathering info:

11 5,500 5,500 20,212 4,088 5,000 53,151 13 0.80

Level 60 Armorer Recipe for Adamantite Barbut of Maiming

Aurum Regis Nugget 1 200 200 4/7/23 6:31:14 AM
Adamantite Ingot 3 98 294 4/7/23 6:38:06 AM
Amphiptere Leather 1 310 310 4/7/23 11:02:25 AM
Grade 2 Strength Dissolvent 1 126 126 2/25/23 4:27:09 AM
Landborne Aethersand 2 53 106 6/15/22 5:22:37 AM
Ice Cluster 2 8 16 1/18/23 7:17:44 PM
Earth Cluster 2 21 42 6/19/23 6:48:57 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,094

Profit/Loss Normal = 3,906

Profit/Loss HQ = 140

Desynthesizes into:

Adamantite Ingot
Ice Cluster
Earth Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Kujata Cross Server Data for Adamantite Barbut of Maiming on Elemental

Aegis 5,473 9 9,696 5,473 4,500 -1,385 4,500 4,500 1 6/1/23 5:28:07 AM
Atomos 2,000 19 2,900 2,000 3,770 2,088 4,000 18,854 5 11/28/21 1:30:03 PM
Carbuncle 4,100 7 4,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 11/24/21 1:17:57 PM
Gungnir 3,000 8 3,000 3,000 3,575 1,088 4,000 14,300 4 11/30/21 10:04:02 PM
Kujata 5,500 11 5,500 20,212 4,088 -1,412 5,000 53,151 13 12/5/21 7:43:51 PM
Tonberry 8,400 6 10,243 8,400 0 0 0 0 0 5/7/23 5:30:32 PM
Typhon 1,000 7 1,999 1,000 1,455 3,088 1,934 8,734 6 11/17/21 9:07:05 PM