Indagator's Saw

Server: Ixion

Last Updated: 2/23/23 4:11:03 AM
Search Category: Carpenter's Tools | Item Category: Carpenter's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

16 52,500 191,163 52,500 183,949 182,798 1,103,696 6 2.70

Level 90 Blacksmith Recipe for Indagator's Saw

Fire Cluster 5 96 480 10/8/23 6:53:15 AM
Earth Cluster 5 20 100 6/19/23 6:47:47 AM
Rutilated Quartz 2 5,775 11,550 2/27/23 3:40:20 AM
Ilmenite Ingot 3 8,085 24,255 10/7/23 11:50:09 AM
Craftsman's Alkahest 3 12,075 36,225 2/26/23 5:42:03 PM
Gripgel 3 0 0

Total Price to Craft 1 : 72,610

Profit/Loss Normal = 12,390

Profit/Loss HQ = 133,390

Current Prices

Price History

Ixion Cross Server Data for Indagator's Saw on Mana

Anima 63,000 13 115,185 63,000 115,440 120,949 109,699 1,385,286 12 2/28/23 1:53:31 PM
Chocobo 0 0 0 0 141,998 183,949 141,998 141,998 1 2/24/23 9:21:03 PM
Ixion 52,500 16 191,163 52,500 183,949 131,449 182,798 1,103,696 6 2/23/23 4:11:03 AM
Masamune 101,850 8 101,850 0 110,555 82,099 98,900 773,891 7 9/24/23 5:54:03 AM