Pie Dough

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 2/13/25 3:30:21 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

615 61 1,300 61 246 1,500 79,178 321 1.90

Level 14 Culinarian Recipe for Pie Dough

Fire Shard 1 86 86 6/26/24 5:02:45 AM
Mineral Water 1 80 80 2/17/25 3:15:09 PM
Sunset Wheat Flour 1 1,000 1,000 2/13/25 3:26:48 PM
Table Salt 1 10 10 2/13/25 3:29:40 PM

Total Price to Craft 6 : 1,176

Profit/Loss Normal = -136

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,104

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Pie Dough on Primal

Behemoth 25 200 90 25 26 221 50 10,427 387 10/28/24 12:07:58 PM
Excalibur 13 561 13 21 20 233 20 2,040 99 9/12/23 11:31:53 PM
Exodus 10 356 50 10 5 236 7 3,365 667 10/2/22 11:54:48 AM
Famfrit 70 334 100 70 0 0 0 0 0 3/7/23 5:56:35 AM
Hyperion 61 615 1,300 61 246 185 1,500 79,178 321 2/13/25 3:30:21 PM
Lamia 200 776 200 200 798 46 200 131,749 165 7/9/22 6:54:29 PM
Leviathan 10 837 20 10 26 236 15 10,885 406 6/28/22 1:52:05 PM
Ultros 2 391 30 2 14 244 3 2,090 146 12/3/22 6:17:14 AM