Cottage Cheese

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 2/17/25 3:15:38 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

792 1,400 2,494 1,400 2,999 2,999 8,997 3 264.00

Level 17 Culinarian Recipe for Cottage Cheese

Fire Shard 1 86 86 6/26/24 5:02:45 AM
Aldgoat Milk 1 150 150 2/13/25 3:15:31 PM
Cider Vinegar 1 25 25 2/13/25 3:30:14 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 261

Profit/Loss Normal = -57

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,407

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Cottage Cheese on Primal

Behemoth 98 113 1,002 98 72 2,901 98 22,260 306 11/8/23 10:18:43 PM
Excalibur 158 220 420 158 23 2,841 20 4,878 209 5/20/23 11:14:39 PM
Exodus 5 411 5 5 189 2,994 200 44,931 237 5/22/24 7:24:25 PM
Famfrit 53 668 63 53 86 2,946 9 1,206 14 5/26/23 4:59:07 AM
Hyperion 1,400 792 2,494 1,400 2,999 1,599 2,999 8,997 3 2/17/25 3:15:38 PM
Lamia 10 722 35 10 29 2,989 27 3,399 114 2/1/24 1:00:33 PM
Leviathan 105 730 105 105 99 2,894 100 27,081 271 5/16/23 9:58:31 AM
Ultros 70 9 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/5/24 2:51:15 PM