Dzemael Gratin

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 8/15/22 6:06:43 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

251 250 1,000 250 867 2,900 90,196 104 2.40

Level 44 Culinarian Recipe for Dzemael Gratin

Fire Shard 5 86 430 6/26/24 5:02:45 AM
Eft Tail 1 99 99 2/13/25 3:14:44 PM
Popoto 1 94 94 2/13/25 3:14:51 PM
Garlean Garlic 1 60 60 2/13/25 3:28:40 PM
Black Pepper 1 135 135 2/13/25 3:28:44 PM
Nutmeg 1 30 30 2/13/25 3:29:29 PM
Sweet Cream 1 39 39 2/13/25 3:29:55 PM
Water Shard 5 85 425 6/26/24 5:04:30 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,312

Profit/Loss Normal = -313

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,563

50 Gourmet Supper

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Dzemael Gratin on Primal

Behemoth 900 11 900 999 1,124 -33 998 31,490 28 10/11/24 4:12:18 PM
Excalibur 235 118 2,599 235 3,177 632 700 92,137 29 4/27/24 1:45:15 AM
Exodus 700 17 5,006 700 3,303 167 5,000 82,594 25 4/23/23 4:04:04 PM
Famfrit 75 194 1,000 75 0 0 0 0 0 3/7/23 5:57:17 AM
Hyperion 250 251 1,000 250 867 617 2,900 90,196 104 8/15/22 6:06:43 AM
Lamia 85 182 20,000 85 718 782 3,500 78,303 109 1/21/23 8:59:09 AM
Leviathan 210 300 3,006 210 2,990 657 275 92,693 31 9/4/22 12:57:49 PM
Ultros 105 295 5,250 105 4,850 762 5,000 19,400 4 3/2/23 6:35:24 PM