Highland Cottage Roof (Composite)

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 6/10/23 5:57:22 PM
Search Category: Exterior Fixtures | Item Category: Roof | Sell price to vendor: 176
More Information

Gathering info:

5 31,685 31,685 49,950 50,000 99,900 2 2.50

Level 60 Alchemist Recipe for Highland Cottage Roof (Composite)

Lightning Crystal 8 45 360 2/24/25 5:23:50 PM
Dark Chestnut Lumber 10 998 9,980 6/9/24 11:44:55 PM
Water Crystal 12 65 780 2/24/25 5:24:05 PM
Cut Stone 5 1,451 7,255 6/24/23 5:55:22 PM
Firebricks 5 145 725 2/24/23 12:28:24 PM
Mortar 10 1,024 10,240 2/20/23 10:19:05 PM
Iron Joint Plate 10 38 380 2/27/23 10:45:38 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 29,720

Profit/Loss Normal = 5,280

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Highland Cottage Roof (Composite) on Primal

Behemoth 57,750 18 0 57,750 69,990 -7,800 69,990 69,990 1 5/12/23 9:50:34 AM
Excalibur 59,998 16 0 59,998 59,176 -10,048 59,176 59,176 1 8/4/23 3:11:03 PM
Exodus 131,250 7 0 131,250 126,999 -81,300 126,999 126,999 1 4/20/23 1:49:57 AM
Famfrit 104,999 11 0 104,999 117,155 -55,049 117,155 117,155 1 5/28/23 12:54:09 PM
Hyperion 31,685 5 0 31,685 49,950 18,265 50,000 99,900 2 6/10/23 5:57:22 PM
Lamia 39,000 10 0 39,000 13,199 10,950 19,999 65,998 5 11/15/22 2:21:19 AM
Leviathan 126,000 5 0 126,000 0 0 0 0 0 3/23/23 12:49:45 PM
Ultros 42,000 8 0 42,000 0 0 0 0 0 6/8/23 4:55:55 PM