Imitation Wooden Skylight

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 2/20/25 12:37:06 AM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

100 32,895 32,895 32,956 32,895 626,178 19 5.30

Level 86 Carpenter Recipe for Imitation Wooden Skylight

Wind Crystal 8 62 496 2/24/25 5:23:22 PM
Crystal Glass 2 2,100 4,200 9/12/23 11:18:02 PM
Red Pine Lumber 2 1,785 3,570 10/7/23 10:24:05 PM
Ironwood Lumber 8 380 3,040 6/26/22 3:50:38 AM
Ice Crystal 8 59 472 2/24/25 5:23:10 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 11,778

Profit/Loss Normal = 21,117

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Imitation Wooden Skylight on Primal

Behemoth 40,000 12 0 40,000 28,757 -7,044 20,060 575,159 20 1/29/24 9:22:01 AM
Excalibur 49,348 28 0 49,348 53,594 -16,392 53,998 267,972 5 10/8/23 2:30:26 AM
Exodus 25,673 52 0 25,673 25,534 7,283 25,673 510,692 20 1/26/24 3:01:06 PM
Famfrit 64,500 19 0 64,500 59,051 -31,544 64,899 1,240,073 21 2/21/25 2:04:16 AM
Hyperion 32,895 100 0 32,895 32,956 61 32,895 626,178 19 2/20/25 12:37:06 AM
Lamia 26,247 15 0 26,247 28,409 6,709 24,999 284,094 10 10/7/23 11:48:55 AM
Leviathan 44,519 28 0 44,519 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 12:53:08 PM
Ultros 36,750 44 0 36,750 35,729 -3,794 35,000 535,946 15 2/23/23 8:17:04 AM