Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 6/10/22 1:35:45 AM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 390
More Information

Gathering info:

12 93,085 93,085 150,947 88,653 754,738 5 2.40

Level 90 Armorer Recipe for Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves

Ice Cluster 3 40 120 2/24/25 5:24:22 PM
Earth Cluster 3 45 135 2/24/25 5:24:54 PM
Chondrite Ingot 1 700 700 2/1/24 3:16:05 AM
Lunar Adamantite Ingot 2 103 206 3/2/23 10:53:40 PM
Endtide Aethersand 1 0 0 4/19/24 1:59:48 PM
Grade 6 Vitality Alkahest 2 454 908 5/19/23 12:07:20 AM
Amynodon Leather 1 104 104 2/28/23 7:31:47 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,173

Profit/Loss Normal = 18,216

Profit/Loss HQ = 19,827

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves on Primal

Behemoth 88,647 14 88,647 0 89,513 62,300 88,714 1,790,264 20 6/28/22 7:19:29 AM
Excalibur 26,196 17 48,300 26,196 24,900 124,751 24,900 24,900 1 2/24/23 11:14:54 AM
Exodus 29,947 15 29,947 49,000 43,857 121,000 29,999 877,140 20 6/28/22 8:36:07 AM
Famfrit 23,970 11 23,970 0 47,350 126,977 24,180 1,183,757 25 6/28/22 9:05:39 AM
Hyperion 93,085 12 93,085 0 150,947 57,862 88,653 754,738 5 6/10/22 1:35:45 AM
Lamia 20,388 8 45,000 20,388 20,000 130,559 20,000 20,000 1 4/23/24 11:00:53 PM
Leviathan 79,899 4 136,000 79,899 34,930 71,048 79,898 628,747 18 11/6/22 3:53:06 AM
Ultros 18,999 23 18,999 19,000 18,499 131,948 19,000 73,999 4 9/8/23 6:38:18 PM