Ametrine Earrings of Casting

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 5/31/22 3:35:42 AM
Search Category: Earrings | Item Category: Earrings | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

7 29,939 29,939 29,272 29,939 322,002 11 0.60

Level 81 Goldsmith Recipe for Ametrine Earrings of Casting

Wind Crystal 8 62 496 2/24/25 5:23:22 PM
High Durium Nugget 1 2,500 2,500 2/10/24 4:11:57 AM
Ametrine 2 449 898 10/21/24 12:29:10 PM
Fire Crystal 7 58 406 2/24/25 5:22:59 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,300

Profit/Loss Normal = 11,366

Profit/Loss HQ = 28,700

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Ametrine Earrings of Casting on Primal

Behemoth 14,700 11 15,750 14,700 19,215 14,572 15,300 96,075 5 6/15/22 7:29:47 PM
Excalibur 15,750 4 15,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/16/23 2:50:22 AM
Exodus 40,000 6 50,320 40,000 22,903 -10,728 39,000 435,170 19 7/3/22 9:34:33 PM
Famfrit 62,997 6 69,979 62,997 61,051 -33,725 64,995 305,259 5 10/29/23 1:02:30 PM
Hyperion 29,939 7 29,939 0 29,272 -667 29,939 322,002 11 5/31/22 3:35:42 AM
Lamia 29,990 6 29,990 0 25,400 -718 29,980 279,401 11 5/22/22 9:02:11 AM
Leviathan 28,281 8 28,281 0 26,945 991 26,945 26,945 1 3/2/23 6:51:38 AM
Ultros 39,900 8 39,900 0 46,670 -10,628 25,000 326,694 7 7/4/22 12:03:41 AM