Exarchic Top of Scouting

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 5/30/23 6:09:43 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 650
More Information

Gathering info:

15 1,864 1,864 1,890 1,650 1,650 1,650 1 15.00

Level 80 Weaver Recipe for Exarchic Top of Scouting

Wind Cluster 3 10 30 2/24/25 5:24:58 PM
Lightning Cluster 3 115 345 2/24/25 5:24:51 PM
Sea Swallow Leather 1 3,199 3,199 9/30/24 3:50:28 AM
Levinstrike Aethersand 2 993 1,986 4/19/24 2:00:54 PM
Duraluminum Ingot 2 957 1,914 9/13/23 4:36:51 AM
Saffron Cloth 2 5,248 10,496 3/7/23 6:50:11 PM
Grade 4 Dexterity Alkahest 2 628 1,256 3/18/23 5:52:36 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 19,226

Profit/Loss Normal = -3,226

Profit/Loss HQ = -17,576

Desynthesizes into:

Lightning Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Exarchic Top of Scouting on Primal

Behemoth 11,183 10 13,650 11,183 19,899 -9,533 19,899 19,899 1 6/21/23 4:53:51 AM
Excalibur 10,500 13 12,070 10,500 10,000 -8,850 10,000 10,000 1 6/22/23 9:33:03 AM
Exodus 10,495 6 10,498 10,495 9,866 -8,845 9,998 19,732 2 4/21/23 3:29:10 AM
Famfrit 15,749 9 15,749 16,422 8,824 -14,099 12,121 44,120 5 5/8/23 5:38:49 AM
Hyperion 1,864 15 1,864 1,890 1,650 -214 1,650 1,650 1 5/30/23 6:09:43 AM
Lamia 45,559 13 45,559 0 44,029 -43,909 46,990 880,592 20 10/18/21 7:03:55 PM
Leviathan 10,497 18 10,499 10,497 0 0 0 0 0 3/18/23 11:45:42 PM
Ultros 10,185 8 10,185 10,500 0 0 0 0 0 6/23/23 11:59:27 AM