Exarchic Boots of Striking

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 3/26/23 11:39:26 PM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 390
More Information

Gathering info:

9 10,498 15,151 10,498 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 80 Leatherworker Recipe for Exarchic Boots of Striking

Wind Cluster 3 10 30 2/24/25 5:24:58 PM
Earth Cluster 3 45 135 2/24/25 5:24:54 PM
Dwarven Cotton 1 2,190 2,190 10/21/24 12:47:46 PM
Levinstrike Aethersand 1 993 993 4/19/24 2:00:54 PM
Silver Beech Lumber 1 321 321 6/14/22 4:20:46 PM
Thylacoleo Leather 2 1,307 2,614 2/27/23 12:41:50 PM
Grade 4 Strength Alkahest 2 1,200 2,400 6/20/23 2:53:34 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,683

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,255

Profit/Loss HQ = -2,255

Desynthesizes into:

Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Exarchic Boots of Striking on Primal

Behemoth 147,000 24 147,000 0 217,212 -147,000 149,389 4,344,246 20 6/21/21 12:01:26 PM
Excalibur 25,713 5 26,145 25,713 0 0 0 0 0 3/8/23 4:44:11 AM
Exodus 15,739 5 18,900 15,739 15,943 -15,739 14,987 31,887 2 4/13/23 4:17:26 AM
Famfrit 15,283 6 15,283 15,750 0 0 0 0 0 3/30/23 12:33:53 AM
Hyperion 10,498 9 15,151 10,498 0 0 0 0 0 3/26/23 11:39:26 PM
Lamia 20,948 6 20,948 21,000 19,201 -20,948 19,929 115,208 6 4/15/23 4:07:29 PM
Leviathan 10,910 7 25,202 10,910 10,239 -10,910 11,000 61,436 6 4/27/23 5:34:01 AM
Ultros 12,599 14 15,750 12,599 14,808 -12,599 14,997 29,617 2 6/12/22 3:18:12 PM