Exarchic Tower Shield

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 9/9/23 6:16:27 PM
Search Category: Shields | Item Category: Shield | Sell price to vendor: 237
More Information

Gathering info:

6 10,000 19,900 10,000 11,111 9,899 55,555 5 1.20

Level 80 Armorer Recipe for Exarchic Tower Shield

Ice Cluster 3 40 120 2/17/25 3:13:36 PM
Earth Cluster 3 57 171 2/17/25 3:13:50 PM
Levinstrike Aethersand 1 993 993 4/19/24 2:00:54 PM
Duraluminum Ingot 1 957 957 9/13/23 4:36:51 AM
Solstice Ingot 1 940 940 6/3/23 12:43:18 PM
Grade 4 Vitality Alkahest 1 1,499 1,499 2/6/24 11:34:24 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,680

Profit/Loss Normal = 5,219

Profit/Loss HQ = 12,820

Desynthesizes into:

Ice Cluster
Earth Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Exarchic Tower Shield on Primal

Behemoth 15,999 12 54,555 15,999 12,521 -4,888 10,261 225,391 18 12/24/21 12:06:24 PM
Excalibur 14,994 13 14,994 15,000 7,492 -3,883 14,500 149,857 20 1/13/22 2:53:27 AM
Exodus 10,000 11 12,999 10,000 11,649 1,111 11,999 34,949 3 4/21/23 12:46:25 AM
Famfrit 7,350 5 10,499 7,350 9,743 3,761 8,999 38,972 4 6/6/23 7:21:58 PM
Hyperion 10,000 6 19,900 10,000 11,111 1,111 9,899 55,555 5 9/9/23 6:16:27 PM
Lamia 14,690 6 14,690 0 9,397 -3,579 13,000 46,989 5 5/27/23 8:47:07 PM
Leviathan 10,749 6 20,999 10,749 0 0 0 0 0 4/16/23 5:32:57 PM
Ultros 67,000 6 77,878 67,000 74,173 -55,889 67,000 1,483,469 20 11/17/21 10:44:35 AM