Tsukuyomi's Moonlit Chokuto

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 5/29/22 8:33:44 AM
Search Category: Samurai's Arms | Item Category: Samurai's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 621
More Information

Gathering info:

7 539,999 539,999 544,970 539,990 1,089,940 2 3.50

Level 70 Blacksmith Recipe for Tsukuyomi's Moonlit Chokuto

Earth Crystal 7 68 476 2/24/25 5:23:33 PM
Demicrystal 5 249 1,245 6/9/24 1:58:00 PM
Molybdenum Ingot 2 708 1,416 2/7/24 1:01:33 AM
Palladium Ingot 2 319 638 9/13/23 3:45:09 PM
Chromite Ingot 3 699 2,097 3/6/23 10:50:09 PM
Celestial Kimono Remnant 1 249,999 249,999 9/15/24 8:15:13 AM
Fire Crystal 7 58 406 2/24/25 5:22:59 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 256,277

Profit/Loss Normal = 443,723

Profit/Loss HQ = 353,723

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Tsukuyomi's Moonlit Chokuto on Primal

Behemoth 524,999 4 630,000 524,999 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 11:49:20 AM
Excalibur 579,779 7 579,779 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/11/23 1:59:23 AM
Exodus 461,958 4 461,958 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/9/23 6:59:36 AM
Famfrit 576,449 6 576,449 0 560,134 -31,479 559,998 2,240,536 4 6/13/22 9:32:53 PM
Hyperion 539,999 7 539,999 0 544,970 4,971 539,990 1,089,940 2 5/29/22 8:33:44 AM
Lamia 606,665 3 606,665 0 680,816 -61,695 577,776 2,042,450 3 2/25/23 6:10:13 AM
Leviathan 499,880 7 499,881 499,880 523,989 45,090 547,979 1,047,979 2 5/22/24 11:55:48 PM
Ultros 799,980 3 799,980 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/14/23 2:59:27 AM