Indoor Oriental Garden

Server: Hyperion

Last Updated: 6/10/22 1:36:51 AM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

23 23,940 23,940 22,350 22,690 111,750 5 4.60

Level 80 Alchemist Recipe for Indoor Oriental Garden

Lightning Crystal 7 110 770 6/26/24 5:05:32 AM
Water Crystal 7 42 294 6/5/24 4:59:34 PM
Crescent Spring Water 3 42 126 6/18/23 12:51:49 AM
Fine Sand 5 3 15 6/6/24 7:07:46 PM
Bamboo Stick 3 493 1,479 3/3/23 3:34:09 PM
Granite 6 135 810 6/1/24 6:38:05 PM
Pine Bonsai 1 46,862 46,862 6/23/23 6:47:49 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 50,356

Profit/Loss Normal = -36,956

Profit/Loss HQ = -41,468

Current Prices

Price History

Hyperion Cross Server Data for Indoor Oriental Garden on Primal

Behemoth 36,424 24 0 36,424 33,934 -14,074 34,697 169,670 5 2/23/23 7:01:23 PM
Excalibur 2,893 33 0 2,893 3,158 19,457 2,500 28,429 9 8/4/23 3:33:55 PM
Exodus 31,498 25 0 31,498 33,372 -9,148 28,990 166,861 5 2/27/23 1:58:28 AM
Famfrit 7,794 24 0 7,794 7,899 14,556 7,797 47,395 6 9/24/23 5:15:39 PM
Hyperion 23,940 23 0 23,940 22,350 -1,590 22,690 111,750 5 6/10/22 1:36:51 AM
Lamia 18,248 32 0 18,248 16,395 4,102 17,489 81,976 5 2/24/23 1:44:10 PM
Leviathan 22,049 18 0 22,049 10,216 301 19,001 173,686 17 2/26/23 11:34:14 PM
Ultros 20,995 30 0 20,995 26,821 1,355 24,453 160,930 6 2/26/23 10:38:28 PM